AMSI Basics
Basics of Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI)
When a process instantiates amsi.dll gets loaded into the process and following are the series of events which occurs during the life of process
AMSI Life Cycle
amsi.dll invokes AmsiInitialize function which basically create amsiContext (AmsiContext will be used in all upcoming api calls)
When a user enters a command and press enter, AmsiOpenSession will be called which accept the amsicontext and a pointer called amsiSession
amsiSession will be used throughout the analysis of that particular command
After creating the amsiSession, AmsiScanBuffer will be called with the arguments
amsiContext: this is the context which is returned from AmsiInitialize function at the time of process creation.
Buffer: The buffer from which to read the data to be scanned.
Length: The length, in bytes, of the data to be read from buffer.
contentName: The filename, URL, unique script ID, or similar of the content being scanned
amsiSession: The HAMSISESSION handle provided by amsiOpenSession function.
Result: The result of the scan.
1 = means no malicious activity detected
32768 = means command is malicious
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